Zeiss AxioScan 7 Whole Slide Scanner
This instrument is currently available for scanning brightfield slides (H&E, other non-fluorescent and immunohistochemistry staining).
Fluorescence slide scanning will be available in early 2024.
Zeiss Axioscan 7 Whole Slide Scanner
Features include:
Whole slide scanning in Brightfield and Fluorescence
100 slide capacity
Colibri 7 LED Fluorescence illumination source with excitations peaks at 385, 430, 475, 555, 591, 631, 735
Fluorescence detection for DAPI, CyanFP, GFP, YFP, Alexa 555, mcherry, CY5, CY7
10x, 20x objectives
Zeiss Axiocam 705 color CMOS5 megapixel (for brightfield) and Axiocam 712 mono R2 (for Fluor)
Scan profiles to facilitate operation & reproducibility
Zeiss ZEN imaging software