Multiphoton Microscopy
Leica SP8 with DIVE optics
Leica SP8 with DIVE optics (combined confocal and multiphoton)
(upright configuration)
Features include:
fluorescence, autofluorescence and second harmonic imaging of cells, 3D cultures and thick tissues;
intravital imaging (mice/rats); inhalation anesthesia equipment;
oxygen supply;
heated stage and circulating-water heating blankets;
multiphoton excitation laser tunable between 690 - 1040 nm;
Confocal lasers include 405, 488, 514, 552 and 638 nm
simultaneous detection of up to 3 signals using “filterless” detector system (DIVE);
simultaneous confocal and multiphoton imaging possible
Single beam Multiphoton routing with Variable Beam Expander (to adjust filling of the objective back aperture for depth or resolution)
“Navigator” for mark and find, and tile scanning
Switchable between resonant and non-resonant mode for optimal scanning speeds and resolution
Adjustable height fixed stage, along with a smaller motorized XY stage
Objectives include:
standard confocal objectives (5x dry, 10x dry. 20x dry, 40 x oil, 63x oil).
IR-transmitting, high NA water-immersion objective: 25X MotCorr (1.0NA)